About The Song

I was moved and inspired by the support from people worldwide as they took to the streets, shouting, pleading, and singing. FREE, FREE PALESTINE. It’s one thing to see it on social media but to experience the movement and support firsthand was nothing less then powerful, heartfelt, and humbling. I saw this with my own eyes as I traveled throughout, America, Europe, Scandinavia, Asia, Africa, and The Middle East. As a Palestinian, this brought me to tears, tears of hope. I was inspired to write and share what I saw, and what I felt, Desert Swan began as a poem of WHAT IF’s and quickly became a melody, a song of hope for The Future Of Palestine. God bless every nation and every person for their unwavering support in ending this horrific horror. May God bless and FREE PALESTINE, and may the Desert Swan rise again.

Written and Produced By: Adel Bseiso


CRS: 1
Free free Palestine
Every child woman and man
Mother’s cry for you and me
From the river to the sea.

VRS: 1
What if the sun shined in the rain
What if the world felt our pain
What if all people loved the same
What if mankind was just kind

CRS: 2
Free free Palestine
Every child woman and man
Mother’s cry for you and me
From the river to the sea.

VRS: 2
God save me from my skin
Ethnic cleansing will never end
Death and destruction to my kind
Dying children of Palestine

CRS: 3
Free free Palestine
Every child woman and man
Mother’s cry for you and me
From the river to the sea.

VRS: 3
Turning tears into smiles
Turning blood into Wine
Havens angels spread their wings
Desert swans will rise again

Free free Palestine
Every child woman and man
Mother’s cry for you and me
From the river to the sea.

Free free Palestine
Every child woman and man
Mother’s cry for you and me
From the river to the sea.