Document 0017

Document Type: Reservoir Record
Year: Unknown
Origin: Beersheeba, Palestine
Government Stamp: No
This document appears to be a page from a book that told the stories of the Old Testament regarding the city of Beersheba. The title, author and the significance of the book are all unknown.

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Document 0017

Document Type: Reservoir Record
Year: Unknown
Origin: Beersheeba, Palestine
Government Stamp: No
This document appears to be a page from a book that told the stories of the Old Testament regarding the city of Beersheba. The title, author and the significance of the book are all unknown.

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Document 0017

Document Type: Reservoir Record
Year: Unknown
Origin: Beersheeba, Palestine
Government Stamp: No
This document appears to be a page from a book that told the stories of the Old Testament regarding the city of Beersheba. The title, author and the significance of the book are all unknown.

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