Document 0030

Document Type: Business Sale Contract
Year: 1924
Origin: Beersheeba, Palestine
Government Stamp: Yes
Unlike many contracts in the Bseiso collection this is a Sale Agreement in which Mr. Mahrous Bseiso is selling two shops to a buyer. However, the buyer is not just any ordinary neighbor or business acquittance but his own brother, Haj Sha’ban bin Sheikh Mustafa Afandi Bseiso. The sale is for the entirety of two shops owned by Mr. Mahrous which are in the center ‘Qasbah’ of Beersheba. This agreement takes place in September of 1924 for the total amount of 100 Egyptian Pounds. Mahrous Bseiso agrees to finalize this agreement by attending the Land Registry and providing final title to his brother in a specified time. This interesting agreement demonstrates that Mr. Bseiso, as like many other agreements, is heavily involved in family businesses. Many land Sale Contracts in the Bseiso collection are often witnessed and signed by his family members, including the buyer, Haj Sha’ban. The Bseiso family appears to have a deep involvement in land development and real estate in the District of Beersheba.

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Document 0030

Document Type: Business Sale Contract
Year: 1924
Origin: Beersheeba, Palestine
Government Stamp: Yes
Unlike many contracts in the Bseiso collection this is a Sale Agreement in which Mr. Mahrous Bseiso is selling two shops to a buyer. However, the buyer is not just any ordinary neighbor or business acquittance but his own brother, Haj Sha’ban bin Sheikh Mustafa Afandi Bseiso. The sale is for the entirety of two shops owned by Mr. Mahrous which are in the center ‘Qasbah’ of Beersheba. This agreement takes place in September of 1924 for the total amount of 100 Egyptian Pounds. Mahrous Bseiso agrees to finalize this agreement by attending the Land Registry and providing final title to his brother in a specified time. This interesting agreement demonstrates that Mr. Bseiso, as like many other agreements, is heavily involved in family businesses. Many land Sale Contracts in the Bseiso collection are often witnessed and signed by his family members, including the buyer, Haj Sha’ban. The Bseiso family appears to have a deep involvement in land development and real estate in the District of Beersheba.

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Document 0030

Document Type: Business Sale Contract
Year: 1924
Origin: Beersheeba, Palestine
Government Stamp: Yes
Unlike many contracts in the Bseiso collection this is a Sale Agreement in which Mr. Mahrous Bseiso is selling two shops to a buyer. However, the buyer is not just any ordinary neighbor or business acquittance but his own brother, Haj Sha’ban bin Sheikh Mustafa Afandi Bseiso. The sale is for the entirety of two shops owned by Mr. Mahrous which are in the center ‘Qasbah’ of Beersheba. This agreement takes place in September of 1924 for the total amount of 100 Egyptian Pounds. Mahrous Bseiso agrees to finalize this agreement by attending the Land Registry and providing final title to his brother in a specified time. This interesting agreement demonstrates that Mr. Bseiso, as like many other agreements, is heavily involved in family businesses. Many land Sale Contracts in the Bseiso collection are often witnessed and signed by his family members, including the buyer, Haj Sha’ban. The Bseiso family appears to have a deep involvement in land development and real estate in the District of Beersheba.

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