Document 0036

Document Type: Deed Registration Sample
Year: N/A
Origin: N/A
Government Stamp: Yes
This document is an example of a Certificate of Registration (commonly known as a deed) that was used to affirm an owner’s interest in land in Palestine prior to the Arab-Israeli War in 1948. Although this particular deed is blank, the documents mere existence helps evidences how well established and sophisticated the Palestinian Government and their Land Registry Office was prior to the war.

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Document 0036

Document Type: Deed Registration Sample
Year: N/A
Origin: N/A
Government Stamp: Yes
This document is an example of a Certificate of Registration (commonly known as a deed) that was used to affirm an owner’s interest in land in Palestine prior to the Arab-Israeli War in 1948. Although this particular deed is blank, the documents mere existence helps evidences how well established and sophisticated the Palestinian Government and their Land Registry Office was prior to the war.

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Document 0036

Document Type: Deed Registration Sample
Year: N/A
Origin: N/A
Government Stamp: Yes
This document is an example of a Certificate of Registration (commonly known as a deed) that was used to affirm an owner’s interest in land in Palestine prior to the Arab-Israeli War in 1948. Although this particular deed is blank, the documents mere existence helps evidences how well established and sophisticated the Palestinian Government and their Land Registry Office was prior to the war.

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