Document 0052

Document Type: Equipment Rental Agreement
Year: 1938
Origin: Palestine
Government Stamp: Yes
The document is titled The Second Appendix and starts off by having conditions carry over from the last document and then showing a payments schedule. The schedule lists what currency will be used and when payments are due. Moreover, the schedule contains Mr. Mahrous’ name on box 10 indicating that Mr. Mahrous was part of the payment schedule. At the end of page one, we see an agreement between the Engineering Corporation of Palestine Ltd and Mr. Mahrous. The agreement was a leasing agreement for machines and contained the terms and conditions to follow as well as the parties. The agreement was signed before witnesses on January 12, 1938, and contains the signatures of the guarantor, the lessee, and the owners.

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Document 0052

Document Type: Equipment Rental Agreement
Year: 1938
Origin: Palestine
Government Stamp: Yes
The document is titled The Second Appendix and starts off by having conditions carry over from the last document and then showing a payments schedule. The schedule lists what currency will be used and when payments are due. Moreover, the schedule contains Mr. Mahrous’ name on box 10 indicating that Mr. Mahrous was part of the payment schedule. At the end of page one, we see an agreement between the Engineering Corporation of Palestine Ltd and Mr. Mahrous. The agreement was a leasing agreement for machines and contained the terms and conditions to follow as well as the parties. The agreement was signed before witnesses on January 12, 1938, and contains the signatures of the guarantor, the lessee, and the owners.

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Document 0052

Document Type: Equipment Rental Agreement
Year: 1938
Origin: Palestine
Government Stamp: Yes
The document is titled The Second Appendix and starts off by having conditions carry over from the last document and then showing a payments schedule. The schedule lists what currency will be used and when payments are due. Moreover, the schedule contains Mr. Mahrous’ name on box 10 indicating that Mr. Mahrous was part of the payment schedule. At the end of page one, we see an agreement between the Engineering Corporation of Palestine Ltd and Mr. Mahrous. The agreement was a leasing agreement for machines and contained the terms and conditions to follow as well as the parties. The agreement was signed before witnesses on January 12, 1938, and contains the signatures of the guarantor, the lessee, and the owners.

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