Document 0007

Document Type: Sample Tax Form
Year: Unknown
Origin: Palestine
Government Stamp: N/A
This is a copy of a standard Tax Form used in the southern districts of Palestine prior to 1948. These were used and kept in accordance with Municipality laws. This document portrays a tax collectors schedule that is recorded with serial number 743990. It contains subdistrict 7300 and subdistrict 700 and has a total of 8000.

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Document 0007

Document Type: Sample Tax Form
Year: Unknown
Origin: Palestine
Government Stamp: N/A
This is a copy of a standard Tax Form used in the southern districts of Palestine prior to 1948. These were used and kept in accordance with Municipality laws. This document portrays a tax collectors schedule that is recorded with serial number 743990. It contains subdistrict 7300 and subdistrict 700 and has a total of 8000.

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Document 0007

Document Type: Sample Tax Form
Year: Unknown
Origin: Palestine
Government Stamp: N/A
This is a copy of a standard Tax Form used in the southern districts of Palestine prior to 1948. These were used and kept in accordance with Municipality laws. This document portrays a tax collectors schedule that is recorded with serial number 743990. It contains subdistrict 7300 and subdistrict 700 and has a total of 8000.

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