Document 0008

Document Type: Sample Tax Form
Year: Unknown
Origin: Palestine
Government Stamp: N/A
This table reflects ownership of Mr. Mahrous Bseiso’s land evidenced by Mr. Bseiso’s name being the initial writing on the document followed by the numbers 3/229. The table contains 4 columns identifying the mils or pounds used for payment, the land lot, and all the parcel numbers.

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Document 0008

Document Type: Sample Tax Form
Year: Unknown
Origin: Palestine
Government Stamp: N/A
This table reflects ownership of Mr. Mahrous Bseiso’s land evidenced by Mr. Bseiso’s name being the initial writing on the document followed by the numbers 3/229. The table contains 4 columns identifying the mils or pounds used for payment, the land lot, and all the parcel numbers.

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Document 0008

Document Type: Sample Tax Form
Year: Unknown
Origin: Palestine
Government Stamp: N/A
This table reflects ownership of Mr. Mahrous Bseiso’s land evidenced by Mr. Bseiso’s name being the initial writing on the document followed by the numbers 3/229. The table contains 4 columns identifying the mils or pounds used for payment, the land lot, and all the parcel numbers.

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